Birds of King Island (BOKI)
BOKI is not an entity in its own right, but is a King Island bird information website, that is managed and supported by the King Island Landcare Group (KILG). However, you are able to support bird conservation on King Island by donating through a dedicated BOKI link to the Tasmanian Landcare Fund.
All donated funds are allocated specifically to bird conservation initiatives. These range from supporting survey work, revegetation projects, weed and cat management to specific research. How the funds are used is decided by the King Island Landcare Group. However if you wish your contribution to be used specifically, please inform the KILG via email to stating your name, the amount you have donated and the project or initiative you wish to support.
You can also donate directly to the King Island Landcare Group rather than to BOKI if you wish. The funds will then go into a more general fund but will also be used for conservation work on King Island
10% of all donations go towards the administration of the KILG and it's activities.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Receipts will be sent from Tasmanian Landcare.
To donate:
Option 1:
Donate to Birds of King Island (BOKI) here
Bird focused conservation
Option 2:
Donate to King Island Landcare here:
All natural resource conservation
Option 3:
Direct transfer:
BSB 037001
Account 558312
Then send an email via the link: and tell them you have donated and whether your donation is for KI Landcare or BOKI.
Option 4:
Cheques can be posted to:
Tasmanian Landcare Fund,
Landcare Tasmania,
PO Box 4791,
Bathurst Str,
Hobart, 7000
with an accompanying letter stating where you want the funds to go.
On King Island:
We can accept donations directly through the
King Island Landcare office,
5 George Str,
Currie, 7256,
however if you use the above options, your donation will be tax deductible.
We thank you for your care and generosity 😊
King Island Dusky Robin thanks you for your help. Photo x Jon Irvine