2021 Autumn Surveys
What Happened? The biggest surveys yet...
The 2021 Autumn Wings on King bird surveys, were back on track after COVID in 2020 prevented visitors from away coming to give us a hand. Seven teams and 27 surveyors, took part - a record number and a great mixture of locals and visitors. All Wings on King sites were surveyed. A great result.
Most surveyors assisted with a search for the Orange-bellied Parrot that migrate through the island on their way to the mainland over autumn. Unfortunately, none were found but three Blue-winged parrots were spotted. Blue-winged parrots aren't officially thought of as migratory parrots as many over-winter in Tasmania, but some cross Bass Strait and over-winter on the mainland and are occasionally seen on the island in the autumn as they travel through.
Thanks to everyone who took part in these surveys. Everyone enjoyed themselves and felt a part of something much bigger and more important than just being interested in birds and their fascinating and sometimes hilarious behaviours.
Wings on King:
2021 is the fifth year of regular WoK surveying with data collected used to monitor the long-term sustainability of King Island's unique birds and environment. Surveys are undertaken in over 60 established sites, many on private land that are not available to non-participants. Small teams are led by at least one experienced birder with new learners welcome to join them.
To encourage birders from Tasmania to visit, we have moved the survey weekend one week earlier than usual. This allows birders from Hobart and eastern Tasmania to fly directly between Hobart and King Island on Sharp Airlines - so we INVITE YOU to come and join us.
Orange-bellied Parrot Blitz
After a highly successful breeding season, 2021 is expected to be the largest migration of these critically endangered, beautiful little parrots for many years with as many as 200 birds migrating across Bass Strait to overwinter on mainland Australia. The King Island Blitz is a serious search for the Orange-bellied Parrots to learn more about their movements and the habitats they use during their migratory stop-over on King Island.
The Program:
Orientation and team formation events:
Thursday 22nd: 5.30 pm at the Cultural Centre where there will be an exhibition of King Island Threatened Bird Species and welcome refreshments provided.
Friday 23rd: orientation at the Airport for those coming from Hobart. Kate will meet the plane.
For anyone arriving earlier than 22nd April who wish to participate in the OBP Blitz, please contact Kate Ravich, 0417487263 for arrangements.
Wings on King: Friday 23- Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th if necessary
OBP: Thursday 22 April-- Sunday 2nd May
Social and Cultural Events:
Saturday 24th: Dinner with guest speakers (venue TBC)
Speakers: Mark Holdsworth and Barry Baker - Threatened Species of King Island Update;
Matthew Fielding - 'Impact of Ravens on Black Currawong on Flinders and King Islands'.
Endangered, Endemic, Extinct" an exhibition at the King Island Cultural Centre of works by artist Therese Gabriel Wilkins https://theresegabrielwilkinsart.weebly.com/blog
Note: Golden-headed Cisticola Photograph x Paul Fraser: King Island is the farthest south that this species is known to breed. Some sightings have been noted in Tasmania in recent years.
Orange-bellied Parrot photograph by Barry Baker Golden-headed Cisticola on King Island by Paul Fraser Black Currawong by Therese Gabriel Wilkins
Wings On King is an on-going project designed so survey sites can be monitored at any time - whenever it suits YOU.
Like to know more about the Wings On King Project click here