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Black Swans at Yellow Rock Estuary, King Island
White Faced Heron, King Island
Green Rosella, King Island

​B.O.K.I. (Birds of King Island)


BOKI is a small, informal group of local volunteers who are passionate about birds and especially the birds of King Island.


BOKI Website aims to: ​

  • promote sensitive and ethical bird tourism on King Island by education, promotion, marketing and provision of a central platform about the birds of king island and birding opportunities

  • work with the KI Landcare Group through the 'Wings on King' bird monitoring project including hosting the website and support infrastructure

  • aid in conservation of King Island’s natural ecosystems and wildlife including threatened species through education and activities and

  • help to sustain the local community by expanding work opportunities and the tourism industry

What's so special about King Island Birds? 

Tasmania is already recognised as one of Australia's top five bird watching destinations.  King Island is home to nine endemic sub species, three of which are recognised as Critically Endangered and two as Vulnerable. As well, King Island has 10 of the 12 endemic Tasmanian species.  We firmly believe it is the jewel in Tasmania’s birding crown.

Situated within both international and national migratory flight paths and often acting as a refuge for vagrant species, you may well find yourself visiting alongside rare and endangered birds such as the Orange-bellied Parrot.


The island's incredible diversity, with over 200 species recorded, is concentrated on a manageable area of just over 1000 square kilometres. You can cover farmland, wetland, pristine beaches, bush and forests easily within a comparatively small time frame. 


Migratory birds that breed on King Island range from seabirds such as the Short-tailed Shearwater and diminutive Fairy Tern to Bass Strait migrants such as the Satin Flycatcher and Flame Robin.  Summer visitors include Ruddy Turnstones and Red-necked Stints on the beaches while the Double-banded Plover escapes from the cold of the New Zealand Southern Alps where they breed in the summer, and overwinters here.  


King Island is a special place

What's so special? Everything: the people, the landscape, the remoteness and yet accessibility, the ocean, the beaches, the produce and of course, the birds.  

King Island offers a unique opportunity to be transported back in time, to dirt roads, friendly neighbours and natural tranquility.  It is only a 35 minutes flight from Tullamarine and Moorabbin airports in Victoria, Hobart, Launceston and Wynyard in Tasmania.


King Island provides a truly unique birding experience. Welcome to B.O.K.I.

B.O.K.I. takes great pride in the conservation of the island and our bountiful yet fragile bird population. We therefore reserve the right to discourage and advise against entering known areas of importance (including breeding grounds or threatened / endangered habitat) at certain times of the year. Thank you for your understanding.

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